anerji consist of 5 Blogs, that of each blog posting in typical items. We appreciate all of viewer being critical idea of that items. So every Blog coud be nicely. The five Blog is anerji(IPTEK), anerji(RAGAM), anerji(PENDIDIKAN), anerji(SASTRA), anerji(CERPEN PUISI).
• anerji(IPTEK) fully of science and technology, many of them translated for BBC News, Wikipedia and other journal of science, Environment issued, nature disaster sucg as flooding, earthquake etc.
• anerji(PENDIDIKAN), it could be mentioned as a educational blog, model of teaching article, evaluation of, social discution.
• anerji(RAGAM) consist of political opinion
• anerji(SASTRA) particularly for cultural issued, short story, poem, wayang (Java cultural)
• anerji(CERPEN PUISI) just for shortstory and poem content.
Semarang, Central Java Indpnesia 20 Pebruari 2011